



Dear All,

I\’m sorry.

I\’m sorry for the mistakes I made, for the wrong decisions I took and for the pain I caused. I\’m sorry for not being the person I should have been and for not doing the things I should have done. I\’m sorry for not being there when you needed me and for not being the friend, family member or partner you deserved.

I know that I have hurt you and I understand that it is not easy to forgive me. But I hope that you can find it in your heart to do so. I know that it is not easy to forget what I have done, but I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another chance.

I know that I have made mistakes and I know that I have hurt you. I understand that it is not easy to forget the past and to move on. But I promise that I will do my best to make things right. I will try to be a better person, to be more understanding, to be more supportive and to be more reliable.

I know that I cannot undo the past and I know that I cannot change what has happened. But I can learn from my mistakes and I can work hard to make sure that I don\’t make the same mistakes again. I can do my best to be a better person and to make sure that I don\’t hurt anyone else.

I\’m sorry for the mistakes I have made and for the pain I have caused. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me and to give me another chance.


Your Name

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